

“There’s a saying that every person’s life is a book. As you read Hidden Treasures you will be invited inside the writing of Kit Ying Chan’s life story. At times, you’ll need to pause to reflect on what you’re reading. At other times, you’ll want to speed up your reading to find out what happened. This story is one of persevering hope, even in the most hopeless circumstances.

It was a privilege to work with Kit Ying before, during, and after the events recorded in Nanning. She will always be one we honor and esteem for who she is and what she’s allowed to happen through her life.”

Gary & Helen Stephens, co-founders of Mother’s Choice, author of Waiting for a Father

“Kit Ying has dedicated her life to improving the welfare of children. As the founder of Mother’s Love in China, and through her ongoing work for orphans she has been a witness to history. Telling her story will help make connections and answer lingering questions of adopted children about their own journeys.”

Jian Chen, Vice President – China, Holt International

“It was my real privilege to have the opportunity to collaborate with Kit Ying in Guangxi over 20 years ago. At that time, China was in the process of opening up and was challenged by extreme demand for orphan care under the one-child policy. During my many personal visits to the Mother’s Love home, I witnessed the tender loving care of every staff towards those babies abandoned by men, yet cherished and precious in the eyes of God and those who knew Him. It was nothing short of a miracle that such acts of Christian charity persevered for well over two decades in Nanning. I believe that everyone who came to know this ministry was blessed and changed for the better.”

Dr. Thomas Chan, Chairman of the Board, World Vision China Foundation

“When I heard Kit Ying had written a book about her experience with starting Mother’s Love, I could not have been more excited. Her love for children and her desire to provide them with love and dignity compelled her to action, and that action, in turn, made an enormous difference in the lives of so many. This story is interwoven with heartbreak, but it is moving and hopeful and is a great testimony to the fact that one person, with God’s help, can set in motion changes that will make a lifelong impact. Kit Ying truly has a heart of gold, and I’m thrilled she’s provided this opportunity for her readers, and particularly for the children whom she cared for during her time in Guangxi, to know the history and stories behind her efforts to make a difference and to provide hope in the midst of challenging times.”

Cheung-Ang Siew Mei JP, Executive Director, Christian Action

“I had the unforgettable privilege visiting Mother’s Love and meeting with Kit Ying in the fall of 1998. The caring and loving environment she single-handedly built for abandoned girls was truly a little heaven on earth. The unsurmountable hardship she overcame to rescue each precious life from the mouth of death was monumental. I walked away saying to myself: She is the Mother Teresa of China!

The Hidden Treasures offers a telescopic and powerful true story of Kit Ying saving 1,500 abandoned children and impacting many thousands more across China as a result of her child care model – Mother’s Love. This book demonstrates what amazing things one can accomplish when we are willing to be used by God.”

Joshua Zhong, Co-founder & President of Chinese Children Charities